Monday, March 17, 2008

The Big Adventure #2

I went to the park this weekend and found everything I needed for the Big Adventure. There are tons of distinctive looking trees, including one huge, standing trunk of a dead tree that has eyes, a pirate hook, and a feather plume (with only a little imagination required).

That's a dead pirate who failed to recover the treasure, of course, and because of his failure, he was cursed.

I also found two trunks, near the dig site, that are cut all the way down to the ground and look like giant human ears. Heh.

I took photos of everything, and I'm going to try to convert them into line drawings via Photoshop. If I can do that, and remove the the excess (cars, etc.), then I can put them into the will instead of having to draw them (my art talent=zero, and thank you for not deleting the word "art").

The "will" of Pierre L'Orange (the silliest name I could think of) is going to say that the dig can only be attempted the morning after a full moon, so I'll have him read the FedEx envelope on Thursday, because with a full moon that night, we can go searching on Friday morning (a school holiday).

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