Thursday, August 04, 2011

Eli 10.0s Big Adventure, and The Great Outdoors Has Been Downgraded To Good

Like I said on Monday, Eli's life has been nothing short of a big adventure lately.

We went to a "resort" for an overnight trip on his birthday weekend. It was one of those family resort places, the kind that are always crowded and make you feel like you're in a human puppy mill. This was no exception, and it was 103 degrees to boot.

It was ostensibly sort of a borderline wilderness area, but it had about as much wilderness as a mall. I was okay with that, though,  because I've always had kind of a tenuous relationship with the great outdoors. I mean, "Yay, outdoors" and all that, but I'm actually much more comfortable looking outdoors than actually being outdoors.  My favorite way to enjoy the outdoors, unless I'm working out, is to watch a nature documentary on the plasma television with snacks at the ready.

Our primary reason for selecting this location was that they had zip lining, and Eli 10.0 had never gotten to try it before.  His best friend came on the trip, and while the zip line itself was somewhat short, the excitement lived up to their expectations.

The tower attached to the take-off point for the zip line also had five different rock climbing routes.    The walls were 40 feet high, and the kids climbed for about half an hour before they zip lined.

Gloria did, too. I didn't, because I had hurt my calf playing tennis two days earlier (Eli's new sport, but that's a story for another day) .

After Eli had climbed all five routes, he went back to the first, which was supposedly the most challenging.  After watching him his entire life, I've almost lost the capacity to be shocked by anything he does. Almost. then, though, he'll do something like this:

Yeah, he pauses after about 30 feet, but it's still totally ridiculous.

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