Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Links!

Another boatload of stories from The Edwin Garcia Links Machine this week. Leading off, and this is fascinating, it's Moving Mona Lisa: The Story of WWII. Also, and these stories are always cool, it's Old Seattle newspapers found in walls of Ballard home kitchen. Next, and this is endlessly fascinating (I scrolled down for half an hour, I swear): Chemistry. One more, and it's truly spectacular: The Largest Photograph of Earth Ever Taken Is an Amazing Sight

From Matthew Teets, and this is a terrific recounting of the recent Hawken character prank: The Hawkeye Initiative. That's a story where everyone can feel good at the end.

DQ VB.Net Advisor Garret Rempel sent in a story about a Canadian folk hero who recently passed away: Elijah Harper, key player in Meech Lake accord, dies at 64. He was a true civil rights badass, and here's his Wikipedia entry: Elijah Harper.

From Steven Davis, and this is an incredibly cool video: Steam Powered Box Factory.

From Rank Regan, and this is fascinating: Huge Rock Crashes Into Moon, Sparks Giant Explosion.

And Sirius, and this is bizarre but entirely true (they're not down here yet, but they're on their way): Alien 'crazy ants' invading southern U.S.

From Griffin Cheng, and this is just amazing: Mercedes-Benz Museum - World's highest artificial Tornado. Also, and this is quite a view, it's A grizzly Ate My GoPro. One more, and it's tremendous: Diablo 3: A Case Of Virtual Hyperinflation.

From Jonathan Arnold, and this has to be seen to be believed (Lee, please take note): Love Your Journey: Dribbling Through London. Also, and this is stunning, Moore, Oklahoma Tornado Damage Map.

From Meg McReynolds, and this is tremendously interesting: Why Social Media Is the Front Line of Disaster Response.

Closing out the week, from Loyd Case, and this is a fascinating article: The oldest known instance of Zero (0).

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